Series 1 DECK'S - Empoleon deck
The first 4 korean theme decks all had 30 cards in they are similar to the Japanese half decks.
1 Magikarp Supreme Victors 110/147
2 Wingull Great Encounters 95/10
3 Corphish 11 Supreme Victors 100/147
4 Piplup 9 Diamond & Pearl 93/130 x2
5 Prinplup 25 Platinum 59/127
6 Empoleon 42 Diamond & Pearl 4/130 Holo
7 Buizel Supreme Victors 92/147
8 Floatzel Supreme Victors 58/147
9 Manaphy Diamond & Pearl 9/130
10 Meowth Supreme Victors 114/147
11 Aipom Majestic Dawn 51/100
12 Miltank Secret Wonders 55/132
13 Buneary Supreme Victors 94/147
14 Lopunny Supreme Victors 63/147
15 Pokéball trainer Diamond & Pearl 110/130
16 Potion trainer Diamond & Pearl 118/130
17 Switch trainer Diamond & Pearl 119/130
18 Water Energy Diamond & Pearl 125/130 x12